Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Archdiocese of Omaha in Violation of Tax Exempt Requirements

The Archdiocese of Omaha is conducting illegal business and proudly has it on display for every unfortunate person who has to drive past. I've recently seen banners outside two Churches in my area that say "Protect Religious Freedom" "Defend Marriage" "Protect the Unborn" etc. and give the website for the Archdiocese of Omaha.

Why are these Churches hanging supposedly ambiguous yet politically charged banners a week before elections instead of honoring the requirements to maintain their tax exempt status under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code? The requirement states:
In addition, it may not be an action organization, i.e., it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.
Sure, they can say that because these banners do not mention voting nor political parties that it's all okay. But it's not. It's precisely-timed, conniving, manipulative and an abuse of power and influence. And I've seen the papers they have handed out to the blindly faithful. I saw a four page document, reportedly one in a series, distributed in Omaha Churches from the Kansas archbishops that is meant to help 'guide' people on voting issues. Issues in that particular document were 'religious freedom', 'protecting the unborn' and 'defending traditional marriage'.

TAKE ACTION: If you would like to file a Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral) Form for the Archdiocese of Omaha or any specific religious churches or organizations that are in violation of this requirement, you will need to fill out Form 13909 from Department of the Treasury — Internal Revenue Service. In case those links are faulty, that's http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13909.pdf
To claim a reward for providing this information to the IRS, file Form 211, Application for Reward for Original Information.

If you need me to spout more of my disgust as to WHY these banners and documents are wrong/annoying/illegal, I shall proceed. But please, if you feel compelled, report these abuses to the IRS. We need to speak out AND take action in order to bring about change.


1) I don't go to Church because I don't like to be preached to, told what to think or how to behave. (Nor is there sound logic to much of what they say.) So I definitely don't want to see these eyesore banners that promote phrases and ideas that are reactionary and ill-founded, not to mention lacking in all sorts of ways. I can string words and phrases together too and put them on a banner with a website and stick it on a chainlink fence, but really? It's just advertising another money-making venture. Admit it. Or don't.

2) The very fact that you stick these banners on a fence at a busy intersection means that you HAVE religious freedom. And that you are obnoxiously abusing it. The Jewish and Hindu places of worship in the neighborhood are not the attention-seekers you are. They are MUCH more preferable than you judgmental loudmouths. I don't think I ever hear those religious groups whine and complain as much as the Christian right. The Islamic community should complain though because apparently it's okay to say "Obama is a Muslim" and expect that to be understood as a negative thing.

3) A law to provide health care is NOT an affront to your religion. I don't care if you don't like birth control. It's used for medical reasons MORE than contraception. And the government already made an allowance for those of you who don't care to understand and continue to see ONE use of a medicine. Still not satisfied? STFU. We are a SECULAR nation. And stop quoting the founding fathers. They created a nation to escape religious persecution and YOU changed the Pledge and the moneys in the 50s in your Red Scare fervor (or whatever other demented reason you decided to use to start persecuting everyone in the name of religion. Don't you judge me!)

4) Who are you defending marriage against? People who want to get married? They don't want to get married in your Churches, they want their CIVIL RIGHT to sign a contract with another consenting adult. So stop spouting your hateful, ignorant, ill-informed drivel at everyone. We don't care what you want other people to do, how you want them to live, if you approve of them. You aren't freaking saints and when you continue to judge the lifestyles of people you don't know, you get much farther from your pious ideals and your true underlying hatefulness shows. 

5) And protecting the unborn while demanding that women return to just being birth vessels. I'm glad you have ALL the answers on the specifics of how women should handle rape, incest or endangerment of life. But no one asked you. The decision is not yours and there are plenty of children in YOUR town that are already born and are in need of loving homes with food, clothing and education. Truthfully, I'd rather abort than know a child is going to grow up in a household that would condemn them for being gay, having safe sex or being of a non-Christian faith.

So, if I sound like a hateful liberal nutjob... too bad. The religious right makes no apologies, but I will at least say this. If what I've said sounds offensive or rude, why do you care what I think? I'm not taking your daughters to abortion clinics and telling them it's lots of fun and the number one choice. I'm not trying to get your Churches to have gay pride festivals. And I'm not polluting your commute with banners telling you what to think.

I respect my friends and family that are LOVING Christians. They know this doesn't apply to them. And maybe they are frustrated by some of these things too. I don't spout it off to be a prick, but I hate willful, hateful ignorance shrouded with the justification of religion, and I hate that these organizations are tax exempt and flaunting their ill-contrived messages in order to turn the tide.

This is not okay. It is NOT okay for the Archdiocese of Omaha to tell their faithful 'THIS is what you must think. THIS is how you must vote.' This religious indoctrination intertwined with politics is illegal and just morally and ethically wrong. Are you trying to inspire people of faith that live out the TRUE message of your Christ or do you aim to create armies of drones that get your political party of choice into office so you can turn this nation into what you want it to be?