Sunday, January 10, 2021

No, "both sides" are not responsible for the Coup Klux Klan

I have never smeared poop on the walls of Capitol Hall. I have never tased myself to death in the balls. I did not beat to death an officer of the law with a fire extinguisher and call myself the party of Law & Order. I have never brought zip ties and a guillotine to the legislation and done damage and theft I then justified. I never looked at an openly blatant misogynist con man to see God's chosen plan. 

Yet I am a radical for wanting healthcare for all. I am a radical for wanting everyone to be safely sheltered. I am a radical for wanting a living wage for all. I am a radical for wanting the corporations and millionaires and billionaires and trillionaires to pay their fair share of taxes to give back what they have taken from our society. I am a radical because I do not believe the lies that have been spun to encourage warfare and create division here and around the world. I am a radical for wanting to care for the only planet we have. 

Don't "both sides are responsible" gaslight me. I am not responsible for their failure at humanity, for their insurrection, for their white supremacy, for their hatred, for their lies or their fear. Anyone who committed these acts or promoted them or egged them on, to any degree must face full consequences. Their failures rest on them, not "both sides". Enough of trying to lay the blame on those working for others. 

There is no "reaching across the aisle" to people who wave Nazi flags and say the Holocaust wasn't enough. Their logic is not valid or worthy of consideration. Their motivation is fear and hatred. If they want to kill others and do harm, there is no "meeting in the middle". 

To use a phrase they love: "Lock them up". And let's really use the prison system for re-education for once because somehow they learned one whole political party would allow their insurrection. If "this isn't America", one of many countries founded on genocide, slavery, murder, and rape, what the hell is it?

Monday, January 4, 2021

No More Good Cop Stories Please Until ALL Bad Cops Gone

Saw another white person post "I had a great encounter with a police officer." 

Yo, I don't care. And you don't get it. Because until "bad cops" pay for the murders and crimes they openly commit against predominantly non-white bodies, until qualified immunity is illegal, until police are demilitirized and defunded, until we abolish the current racist, corrupt system, IDGAF that you, a white person can joke about jail when your friendly cop tell you that fireworks are illegal but sure, they'll let you shoot off one more while they watch and then come back with party favors for your grandkids. 

In case you don't know, your interaction with that cop is "white privilege". Knowing cops don't see you as a threat. Not even contemplating ill intent. 

Your cutesy post is meant to spread cheer but you disregard the reality that other people fear death, not jail, when they see the aggressive cops turn off body cams, when trigger-fingered cops see insubordination instead of a human. When cops burst into homes in the middle of the night and murder people. When they literally murder them on camera. And don't suffer consequences. And you explain it away and ignore it instead of feeling outraged because your whiteness protects you from that fear and outrage it could happen to anyone in your white life. 

Your cute story is gaslighting. We don't need to hear about good cops. We need you to be outraged that your blessed "good cops" are working with "bad cops" and change this system. HOW MANY PEOPLE NEED TO BE MURDERED FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS SYSTEM IS NOT OKAY? 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

I'm Already Better Than Trump And So Are You - Control Over My Feelings Doesn't Equate His Spiritual Growth, Undo His Harm, Or Bring Back the Dead

 "If you wish ill on Trump now that he has coronavirus, you're no better than he is." 

I am a proponent of love and compassion and interconnectedness and so much "liberal snowflake, socialist, hippy-dippy-ness", but let me tell you why the above statement irks me. 

  1. This is a demand that I feel a certain way, or that my emotions are not valid. 
  2. This expects me to look past the havoc that he has caused and wish him things he refused other people.
  3. This somehow supposes that if we give him compassion, he'll change his ways and become better by our example. 
  4. Our "respectability politics" do NOT bring about justice or hold him accountable for his actions.
  5. I AM better than him, and you most likely are too. Here are a few reasons why, in no particular order.
    1. Have you ever created a fake university to swindle people out of money?
    2. Have you paid for billboards calling for the death of innocent black teenagers?
    3. Have you ever skipped out on paying taxes but ascended to the highest office where taxpayers pay for your housing, meals, health care, transportation, protection, golf trips, your EVERYTHING?
    4. Have you raped children at parties that supported sex trafficking and sex trafficking of minors?
    5. Have you raped or sexually assaulted women? Have you bragged about it?
    6. Have you enacted/maintained policies that imprison legally-asylum-seeking migrants, denying them of basic human rights, health care, legal rights, causing some to die, be sexually assaulted or have sterilization operations on their reproductive organs without their knowledge/consent aka have you approved acts of genocide?
    7. Have you engaged in acts of warfare or commanded the use of weapons, bombs, drone-bombs etc to kill/maim other people?
    8. Have you lied 20,000+ times while President?
    9. Have you encouraged hate, fear-mongering and divisiveness?
    10. Have you been unable to condemn white supremacy?
    11. Have you unfairly appointed unworthy financial donors or family members to positions of power that are a conflict of interest to the office and the American people?
    12. Have you mocked or refused a simple scientific concept of facial covering that could have saved lives or saved people from illness at the very least, including everyone in contact with you?
    13. Have you mocked disabled people, captured soldiers, dead soldiers and their families, created schoolyard-bully level nicknames for your political opponents, been a general asshole?
    14. Have you cheated on multiple wives, sometimes while they were pregnant with your offspring? (That might hit home for some people...)
    15. Have you [insert any of Trump's known wrongdoing's here]?
    16. Have you [insert any of Trump's unknown wrongdoings here]?
The frustration I feel with being told that I am required to feel or behave a certain way is directly related to the understanding that Trump HAS NOT faced justice for any of the above actions and he WILL NOT face justice as we know it on this earth before he dies. 

The suffering he has caused others sits there in the swamp of his life, festering and emboldening his supporters who see that the rich, white/orange man can be as corrupt as hell because 
  1. he has lawyers/wealth/fame/whiteness
  2. his opponents are too worried about being "respectable" and "nice" and "not speaking ill of the ill".
Trumpers want that immunity too and act is if by supporting him, some of that will rub off on them, allowing them to get away with the awful things some of them do.... lynching, shooting, assaulting, harassing non-Trump supporters, corrupting and deforming the law, corrupt policing, corrupting the legal system in general. 

Yes, we are ALL CONNECTED. Yes, what we do and say affects other people. But I do not have to mentally or emotionally protect a man and his ilk that support the murder and destruction of their opponents and other people. I know that has a bearing on my own spiritual growth, but if that's the most hurt I cause, I can deal with that. They are playing a different game, using different philosophies and my sympathy or 'holy/enlightened outlook' would not change that.

I cannot forget so quickly what he has done. I cannot just put my hands together in prayer for someone who has an ego so large, it's a wonder the planet doesn't plummet through the solar system at the weight of it. 

When some people are wishing him ill, or aren't saddened or concerned for him, they are likely 
  1. responding to the knowledge that justice fails us, 
  2. aware that even if he suffers for this illness, he won't have even experienced a modicum of the pain he has caused others, 
  3. aware that he had full knowledge and didn't act on it to help the people of this country.
  4. aware he won't change.
  5. aware there is more to this existence than him.
Trump doesn't give a shit about any of us, and if you haven't figured it out, he never will. Seventy-four years on this planet and he has never reached a spiritual level of giving a shit about anyone outside of how they can help him. Even if you sat him in a room with the highest spiritual gurus for a month, he would likely be unable to step outside of himself for a moment to comprehend what they say. 

He is the sludge in the hierarchy of spiritual development and we have all enabled that. Every person that didn't hold him accountable from birth to now, every person that was paid off, every person that shrugged it off has something to do with his ascension and our own demise as people. 

I understand the calling to a higher spiritual level when it comes to how we treat those in opposition but be honest: HE DOESN'T CARE AND HE ISN'T PLAYING THAT GAME WITH YOU.

Despite that awful truth, do the goodness in the world where you can. Allow yourself to grow and enhance your outlook. Work lovingly with others when you can. And know that my thoughts about that man is NOT your adversary to a better world with higher standards. He is. I'm not wasting my energy on giving him good vibes. I have better shit to do with my energy than focus on someone who doesn't care if I die. (Despite the time spent on my lengthy rant here.)

And unless he accomplishes that .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% freakish possibility of spiritual growth and acceptance of responsibility for his actions, I will hold him accountable for his actions and I will hold the justice system accountable for doing their job, knowing they won't and I'll be working for MY version of this world that doesn't permit people like him to do what they do, nor water it down with unwarranted compassion at his inevitable illness. 

So, I'm gonna feel how I'm gonna feel, because the destruction he's caused is real. But he is not my world. He is a barrier to it. He is someone I won't reach and I'm not gonna try. I have more chance of encouraging humanity in the people in my small town flying Trump flags. Yet that's not my aim either. I'm not holding my breath. I'm just living my life, keeping to myself for safety, hoping to support those whose lives are threatened by Trump and his "patriots".

People say they are sick of "politics". Politics is an aspect of how we interact with each other and create and maintain systems of power or progress. Politics is when we either let the corrupt elite get what they want or call out the systems of injustice, so if you're sick of "politics", you may be sick of hearing about injustices you don't think affect you. But it does, because we're all interconnected. So, unless real change happens and people help other people knowing they help themselves, politics isn't going away. I just don't mind if Trump does. Trump and all he stands for can exit and never come back. THAT is the end result aim of spiritual enlightenment that we so badly want. And HOW that happens, whether through succumbing to illness, or death we all meet someday, or mass spiritual enlightenment of him and his ilk, that's not up to me. 

What IS up to me, is how I deal with my feelings and how I work for what I want. So, no, I won't be sidelined by "being respectable" when his atrocious life's work has not changed because he caught an illness he ridiculed. I'd rather be responsible for disgust at a person who's done what he has, than be responsible for what he's done. 

I don't envy him. I don't support him. I don't want him or want he represents in this world to have the power it does. And I don't think you do either. And you know my disgust with him is NOT worse than what he's done. You just acknowledge you can reach my humanity easier than you can his. And THAT'S why you plead for me to be "better than they are". You/we want any bit of control over this crazy world that we can muster. Well, I already know I am better than he is, and that you most probably are too. Our "being better" doesn't change who he is and it doesn't bring him to justice and it doesn't bring back the dead and undo the hurt he caused. 

So, yeah. That's enough of that.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why Aren't All Christians Conscientious Objectors?

Notice: This entry is less of an 'action-needed' post and more of a 'does anyone else have a problem with this?' post.
Notice #2: Post starts off rant-y but then I must have gotten it all out of my system because it got all lovey-dovey 'What the World Needs Now' at the end. ;)
This is a topic that has been on my mind all day. It stemmed from someone telling me that when Obamacare tries to make employers pay health insurance, they are interfering with religion freedom because insurance covers abortion now.

(1)It's none of your business what medical procedure someone else chooses;
(2) your premiums have possibly always been paying for others' procedures you don't want for yourself; and
(3) you are not being demanded to HAVE an abortion, so you can continue business as usual with your freedom of religion untouched.

What gets me is that Christians (and I focus on Christians because I was raised Catholic--- and then escaped) are quick to say 'Abortion is Murder and Thou Shall Not Kill!' yet somehow justify
(1) paying their taxes which go towards our over-the-top military that is killing people and
(2) joining the military, knowing they will be involved in killing, whether directly or indirectly.

Granted, not EVERY person in the military will kill someone, just as not EVERY police officer kills someone. And we are told, SOMEBODY has to step up to the threats.

But HOW did Christianity get from "Thou Shall Not Kill" and "Turn the Other Cheek" to "It's Okay to join an Organization that will train me to Kill"? By the very Commandment above, all Christians should be Conscientious Objectors who refuse to join the military because they are NOT supposed to kill. There is no asterisk on the stone tablet that says 'unless you or your family or your country is being threatened.'

Nope, it's pretty cut and dry... but then again... are we not supposed to kill animals or plants for food either? A bit confusing, that Bible of oh-so-many authors.

I understand, I have the freedom to say this because supposedly it was won for me by people with guns. People who by definition, are braver than I, because they got put in some terrible situations. But I'm not sure war accomplishes what we think it does. War doesn't tell you who is right or wrong... It tells you who is dead or alive. It tells you who has more weapons or better tactics. Ask veterans if they felt happy after killing. Ask them how they slept after they pulled the trigger. War is Hell.

And yes, letting terrorists or Hitlers run wild is Hell too. And sticking a daisy in someone's gun may make for a nice photo but it isn't going to bring about peace, right? But the only peace that happens when two guns are pointed at each other is the silence that ensues AFTER one or both opponents are dead.

Human beings are the ones who drew the lines in the sand and decided that this country stands for this and that country stands for that, and we're so different, we'll probably have to fight. But we aren't different.

What I love about social media and the quick dispersal of technology, is that in an instant, we can see proof that people elsewhere are just like us. We all need food, shelter, water, education, health care and LOVE.

That last part is a big challenge. Humans ARE bellicose and that's what religions were created for... to calm the beast, to hold us to a higher standard. It's not supposed to be easy to follow a religion. And it seems too easy for Christians to join the military despite the killing involved. 

I feel like somewhere along the way, someone decided in order to make Christianity more accessible... they decided to make a caveat to this Commandment. Wikipedia says
This to me reeks of convenience. Here is a link summarizing the 'just war' in the teachings of the Catholic Church via the Catechism as explained by somebody and the Catechism's teachings are here. It's just too much to summarize.

Some of it makes sense because it's meant to utilize the teachings of the Church for use in the real world. As the first link says: "The Church has no illusions that true justice and peace can be attained before the Coming of the Lord. It is the duty of men of good will to work towards it, nonetheless. In the words of the spiritual dictum, we should work as if everything depended upon our efforts, and pray as if everything depended upon God."

It's just... frustrating. Somehow 'Thou Shall Not Kill' became 'Thou Shall Not Kill Or At Least Try to Avoid It Because It's Pretty Much Impossible Because Humans Suck, Yo'.

GOD said 'No Killing'. Humans draw lines in the sand and continue to find any reason to kill: Gold, God, Glory, Ego, Judgement, etc. Even though GOD was clear about it, humans made exceptions to keep the religion feasible.

I think it's the easy way out. And if they can make exceptions for killing in war, why can't they make exceptions for abortions in cases of rape or incest? Because the Christian Churches aren't really as black and white as they pretend they are. Because Religious Institutions ARE out to make a buck. They don't pay taxes and get to keep the profit and build nice Churches and schools. Religions are run by fallible human beings who bend God's rules supposedly handed down to Moses.

Whatever good religions and militaries CAN do... they can undo with their inconsistencies and injustice. Why does the rule about 'not killing' suddenly become null and void during times of war? Isn't that when the faithful should be challenged the most to be the peacekeepers? We keep saying it's impossible, but maybe it's that way because religions give us a free pass....

Tell me. HOW many of the world's religions are opposed to killing? If ALL those who followed this shared-commandment put down their weapons... wouldn't THAT be an act of LOVE? Wouldn't THAT be an admission of being created equally by a Creator who wants us to thrive and cherish each other? If even our religions don't think we'll find peace... how else are we supposed to get there? Because these drone strikes, these unholy wars, they aren't getting us there either.

So again, I wonder. How can ANY person of ANY religion that is told 'THOU SHALL NOT KILL' take up arms against another and risk committing that act? Humans are cyclical. Violence begets violence. Cooler heads don't always prevail. There ARE Hitlers and bin Ladens and Abubakar Shekaus in this world. But did they get that way because someone LOVED them too much? Or did they get that way because we're taught 'sometimes it's permissible to kill'?

I may be naïve and overly hopeful, and do I really think logic and reason will get the Nigerian school girls back? Or do I think there IS a need for trained military personnel who are willing to go stop people who use their religion to justify kidnapping and hatred of 'Western education'?

This is a rant that really has no answers. You can be damn sure that if I was kidnapped for wanting an education, I would be praying every moment to be safely rescued by anybody smart enough or strong enough or anybody in the right place at the right time. Would I kill to get away? Maybe... Life is easier in the hypothetical, isn't it?

At the beginning, I said this rant wouldn't be as action-needed as the previous posts. But I guess we DO need action. We need to love each other more. We need to donate more time and money to organizations that provide food, education, attention, resources. We need to get out from behind the things we let divide us, like religion, nationality, sexuality, and focus on the human.

If you've gotten this far, please, in the comments below, share your stories of how and where you donate your time and money to make the world better. Share any small habits you have to improve someone's day. Share anything that makes us better. Share your thoughts, prayers, blessings, hopes for the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls that may be safely found.

I know this rant started off as 'hey religions are inconsistent and it's a problem!' and turned all lovey-dovey-need-a-better-world, but what else could I do? I spent a day obsessing about something that seemed amiss, and then remembered... nothing is easy. There are really scary people out there who want to do harm to others and we have to deal with it SOMEHOW, but we HAVE to spread more love to prevent hatred and terror from growing. And that's gonna take every single last one of us....

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Archdiocese of Omaha in Violation of Tax Exempt Requirements

The Archdiocese of Omaha is conducting illegal business and proudly has it on display for every unfortunate person who has to drive past. I've recently seen banners outside two Churches in my area that say "Protect Religious Freedom" "Defend Marriage" "Protect the Unborn" etc. and give the website for the Archdiocese of Omaha.

Why are these Churches hanging supposedly ambiguous yet politically charged banners a week before elections instead of honoring the requirements to maintain their tax exempt status under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code? The requirement states:
In addition, it may not be an action organization, i.e., it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.
Sure, they can say that because these banners do not mention voting nor political parties that it's all okay. But it's not. It's precisely-timed, conniving, manipulative and an abuse of power and influence. And I've seen the papers they have handed out to the blindly faithful. I saw a four page document, reportedly one in a series, distributed in Omaha Churches from the Kansas archbishops that is meant to help 'guide' people on voting issues. Issues in that particular document were 'religious freedom', 'protecting the unborn' and 'defending traditional marriage'.

TAKE ACTION: If you would like to file a Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral) Form for the Archdiocese of Omaha or any specific religious churches or organizations that are in violation of this requirement, you will need to fill out Form 13909 from Department of the Treasury — Internal Revenue Service. In case those links are faulty, that's
To claim a reward for providing this information to the IRS, file Form 211, Application for Reward for Original Information.

If you need me to spout more of my disgust as to WHY these banners and documents are wrong/annoying/illegal, I shall proceed. But please, if you feel compelled, report these abuses to the IRS. We need to speak out AND take action in order to bring about change.


1) I don't go to Church because I don't like to be preached to, told what to think or how to behave. (Nor is there sound logic to much of what they say.) So I definitely don't want to see these eyesore banners that promote phrases and ideas that are reactionary and ill-founded, not to mention lacking in all sorts of ways. I can string words and phrases together too and put them on a banner with a website and stick it on a chainlink fence, but really? It's just advertising another money-making venture. Admit it. Or don't.

2) The very fact that you stick these banners on a fence at a busy intersection means that you HAVE religious freedom. And that you are obnoxiously abusing it. The Jewish and Hindu places of worship in the neighborhood are not the attention-seekers you are. They are MUCH more preferable than you judgmental loudmouths. I don't think I ever hear those religious groups whine and complain as much as the Christian right. The Islamic community should complain though because apparently it's okay to say "Obama is a Muslim" and expect that to be understood as a negative thing.

3) A law to provide health care is NOT an affront to your religion. I don't care if you don't like birth control. It's used for medical reasons MORE than contraception. And the government already made an allowance for those of you who don't care to understand and continue to see ONE use of a medicine. Still not satisfied? STFU. We are a SECULAR nation. And stop quoting the founding fathers. They created a nation to escape religious persecution and YOU changed the Pledge and the moneys in the 50s in your Red Scare fervor (or whatever other demented reason you decided to use to start persecuting everyone in the name of religion. Don't you judge me!)

4) Who are you defending marriage against? People who want to get married? They don't want to get married in your Churches, they want their CIVIL RIGHT to sign a contract with another consenting adult. So stop spouting your hateful, ignorant, ill-informed drivel at everyone. We don't care what you want other people to do, how you want them to live, if you approve of them. You aren't freaking saints and when you continue to judge the lifestyles of people you don't know, you get much farther from your pious ideals and your true underlying hatefulness shows. 

5) And protecting the unborn while demanding that women return to just being birth vessels. I'm glad you have ALL the answers on the specifics of how women should handle rape, incest or endangerment of life. But no one asked you. The decision is not yours and there are plenty of children in YOUR town that are already born and are in need of loving homes with food, clothing and education. Truthfully, I'd rather abort than know a child is going to grow up in a household that would condemn them for being gay, having safe sex or being of a non-Christian faith.

So, if I sound like a hateful liberal nutjob... too bad. The religious right makes no apologies, but I will at least say this. If what I've said sounds offensive or rude, why do you care what I think? I'm not taking your daughters to abortion clinics and telling them it's lots of fun and the number one choice. I'm not trying to get your Churches to have gay pride festivals. And I'm not polluting your commute with banners telling you what to think.

I respect my friends and family that are LOVING Christians. They know this doesn't apply to them. And maybe they are frustrated by some of these things too. I don't spout it off to be a prick, but I hate willful, hateful ignorance shrouded with the justification of religion, and I hate that these organizations are tax exempt and flaunting their ill-contrived messages in order to turn the tide.

This is not okay. It is NOT okay for the Archdiocese of Omaha to tell their faithful 'THIS is what you must think. THIS is how you must vote.' This religious indoctrination intertwined with politics is illegal and just morally and ethically wrong. Are you trying to inspire people of faith that live out the TRUE message of your Christ or do you aim to create armies of drones that get your political party of choice into office so you can turn this nation into what you want it to be?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The 2012 Paralympics: We need more coverage!

Do you ever hear of something, an event, a moment in history, an organization, something, and are affected by it and think "Why haven't I heard of it before?" and then wonder "Have I heard of it before?"

For me, this is the Paralympics. Whether I have heard of it before or not, I'm inspired, thrilled and completely emotional about its significance. When I watched the Opening Ceremonies for the Olympics, I was touched by the event and what it meant for the competitors. I knew those athletes have trained so hard and their bodies were in top condition. I may not be an athletic person, but I can value the dedication, strength and talent needed to perform at those levels.

But when I saw a preview for the 2012 Paralympics I was hit at a very profound level. Watch THIS VIDEO, an introduction to the Superhumans, thanks to Channel 4 in London, and tell me what you feel. (Please note, the video can't be embedded in blogs and such for legal purposes but SHARE IT!!!!! Copy the link: and share it!!!)

Is it just me, or does that video make you say "HOLY CRAP!" and question your outlook on your life and the world around you? Does it make you wonder what you think your limitations are and who or what is really holding you back? To me the Paralympics are freaking inspiring. The Olympics are a reminder of what our bodies are capable of achieving, but the Paralympics are a reminder that our limitations ARE NOT definitions of our capabilities, our determination, our strength.


Although the history of athletic competition amongst the disabled reaches farther back, the currently operating Paralympics has been linked to the Olympics since 1988. From Wikipedia:

It was in Seoul that the Paralympic Summer Games were held directly after the Olympic Summer Games, in the same host city, and using the same facilities. This set a precedent that was followed in 1992, 1996 and 2000. It was eventually formalized in an agreement between the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 2001.[10][12] The 1992 Winter Paralympics were the first Winter Games to use the same facilities as the Winter Olympics.


Since I started following the Paralympics on Facebook and Twitter, I was alerted to the Opening Ceremony as a live feed. And as with the Olympics Opening Ceremony, seeing the happy, smiling, thrilled faces of the competitors representing their countries touched me so deeply. WATCH THE OPENING CEREMONY HERE. It starts at about 1:05 (one hour and five minutes) due to some technical glitch online? and runs for almost four hours. Professor Stephen Hawking and Sir Ian McKellen were involved too!  Or READ ABOUT THE OPENING CEREMONY HERE. <----highly recommended to read the article if you need to save time. But please try to watch parts of the Opening Ceremony video! I haven't been able to watch the whole thing yet, but what I have seen has been SO INSPIRING!


Bookmark THIS SITE ( to get all your biographies, the six disability categories, results, ranking, records, live feeds, sports schedules etc. Check your local listings. This year, more networks than ever are giving screen time to the Paralympics, but coverage in the U.S. will fall short. READ HERE. A quote:
By contrast, NBC is not broadcasting any Paralympic events to U.S. audiences except for a highlights show on September 16 from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. ET. NBC Sports Network is showing the Paralympics for the first time. But the coverage is limited to four, hour-long programs on September 4, 5, 6 and 11, according to Adam Freifeld, vice president of communications for NBC Sports Group, in an email to me. 


If you are intrigued by the Paralympics, there is much you can do to promote it and inspire more news coverage:
  • Watch the live video feed on youtube!
    Watch the live video feeds on the Paralympics webpage
  • Follow any/all of the Paralympics pages on Facebook and Twitter. The links to Facebook, Twitter and Youtube for the official Paralympics site are all available at the above link. Of course, you are encouraged to search for those resources to connect you to your favorite teams and athletes. Learn by searching (and share!)
  • Use Twitter and Facebook to inform your followers and friends about what events you are watching, what athletes are inspiring you and who is leading in the medal count. The more people that hear about it, the more interest can be created for this amazing event. 
  • Talk about the Paralympics with everyone you meet! If you talked about the Olympics with co-workers, family members or even cashiers at the gas station, bring up the Paralympics! You'll never know what meaningful conversations can occur until you let your interest be known.
  • Watch whatever coverage you can on your local stations. Invite friends and family to watch with you. If your area is lacking, as is mine, go to the next step:
  • Contact your station producers/providers/programmers via facebook post, tweets, emails, website comments etc and tell them how excited you are about the Paralympics and how you are disappointed by the lack of coverage (if your country is lacking) but how you are VERY hopeful that the 2014 Winter Paralympics in Sochi will get a considerable amount more coverage. OR if there is a lot of coverage, THANK THEM! Let them know you appreciate the coverage of such a wonderful, inspiring event and you hope to have just as much coverage, or more, the next time around. You've got to speak up so programmers KNOW what interests you!


For those of you in the U.S., feel free to copy and paste the content of my email text and send it to the email addresses listed below. TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO DO THE SAME! If it's similar enough to your non-U.S. countries, adapt the text to reflect the message! :) And if you have some more leads for contact information, let me know in the comments!

Emails I obtained from NBC website:
Questions about the Olympics?
Email to: 
Questions for NBC Sports
Email to:

To Whom It May Concern:

As you may or may not be aware, the 2012 Paralympics are under way in London! Per information from PBS and Adam Freifeld, vice president of communications for NBC Sports Group, I am aware that NBC will only be showing an hour and a half highlight show on September 16th and NBC Sports Network will show a total of four hours coverage. I am glad we will have even that much coverage but I beg for more exposure to the Paralympics! The athletes are incredibly inspiring, working past their limitations and proving that the human body is incredibly powerful and we, the viewers, WANT and NEED to be exposed to this uplifting reminder and motivation for greater, loftier goals and the outstanding capabilities of those who are differently-abled.

The Paralympics has been officially connected to the Olympics since 1988 and the events are completely deserving of the same amount of coverage. Not only are the athletes awe-inspiring, but their lives can be a learning tool for more exposure and understanding of those who are differently-abled from what is understood to be the norm. NBC has an opportunity to be the network to provide its viewers with the inspiration of the Paralympic athletes.

It would be incredibly amazing if there was an immediate change to the amount of programming that is allotted to the coverage of the 2012 Paralympics. It's never too late to help spread awareness of such a powerful and important event. Acting now to increase the coverage will set a loftier precedent and create a buzz for increased or full coverage in the future. Whatever increase of broadcast exposure can be set into motion at the current time is a build-up to create interest for the full coverage I implore you to provide beginning with the Winter Paralympics in Sochi from March 7th-16th, 2014.

Your viewers come from all walks of life and there are thousands upon thousands who can relate to the athletes, whether from their own physicality or their relationships to family and friends who face those daily challenges. NBC can be a leader in promoting exposure, understanding, dignity, and equality to those people who don't see themselves represented in the media, on television, or in movies. I implore you to take this opportunity to help your network and your viewers to grow and be inspired. See you at the Paralympics in Sochi 2014? I hope so!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Not Saying the Pledge of Allegiance in Nebraska Schools Should Not Be a Reason to Shut Down Schools

Here I sit on a Tuesday evening with several webpages open so I can write an intelligent entry; some of the webpages are: ACLU of Nebraska, Rule 10 for the Accreditation of Nebraska Schools, and a Wikipedia article on the Pledge of Allegiance.

Earlier this month, I had read an article that said Nebraska schools would be required to daily say the Pledge of Allegiance or the school would risk losing accreditation and be shut down.

The Pledge

Thanks to Wiki, I am able to see the development of a pledge first written by a "Christian socialist" in 1892.
Bellamy's original Pledge read as follows:[7]
I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Also of note:
The Pledge of Allegiance... [was] formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942.[1] The Pledge has been modified four times since its composition, with the most recent change adding the words "under God" in 1954.
  For those of you who need a brush-up, the current accepted Pledge is as such:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Constitutional Rights

As a result of much legislation and many battles "the Supreme Court has ruled on several occasions that students cannot be compelled to recite the Pledge, or punished for not doing so." The ACLU has reminded administrators that this Constitutional Right to refrain without punishment also extends to teachers.

ACLU Call to Action

This morning I received an email from the ACLU (sent yesterday) that requested I sent a message to Dr. Roger Breed, the Education Commissioner and implore him to "Defend the religious & speech rights of teachers".

My message to Dr. Roger Breed

Note: The first paragraph is automatically included by the ACLU.
Roger Breed:

Teachers shouldn't have to fear their jobs are in jeopardy if they are true to their religious and political conscience. Students shouldn't fear harassment as part of their school day. The new Pledge regulations may not compel participation, but the new mandatory Pledge may put pressure on those who cannot participate.

The recitation of the Pledge is not necessary to the education of children and it should not be a key component in the retention of school funding.
One must consider the effects of requiring people, (students and teachers) who come from many backgrounds and religions, to either recite or stand by as a pledge is said to a flag and a specific God.

If funding should rely on anything, it should not be the inclusion of words recited daily, but on the basis of the quality of education.

I strongly urge you to focus in the future on passing regulations that improve educating our youth rather than indoctrinating them. If you want students and teachers to be proud of their country, well, it takes a lot more than reciting words that can be hollow to those who are forced to listen to it daily.

As a young person who has traveled to and spent time in six other countries, I find blind indoctrination and the 'love your country'
mentality detrimental to proper international relations. I would be much more proud of my state and my country if the emphasis for school funding was put, not on a pledge forced into classrooms, but on the improved quality of education. I urge you to withdraw the non-education based funding requirement so that the focus is, not on who did not recite the pledge every day, but on the subjects being taught in schools.

Response of Dr. Roger Breed (which includes the Proposed Requirement)

Thank you for your email concerning the proposed pledge recitation requirement in Rule 10.  Please know that the proposed requirement states:

003.12    Each public school district shall require each such district's schools
to establish a period of time during the school day, when a majority of pupils is scheduled to be present, during which pupils will be led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in the presence of the flag of the United States of America, in grades Kindergarten through twelve. 
Pupil participation in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance shall be voluntary.  Pupils not participating in the recitation of the Pledge shall be permitted to silently stand or remain seated but shall be required to respect the rights of those pupils electing to participate.

The proposed requirement has been approved by the State Board of Education and sent to the Attorney General.  If the Attorney General approves the proposed rule and if the Governor signs the proposed rule, then the recitation requirement will become effective for Nebraska's accredited public schools.

We will forward your comments to State Board of Education.  Again, thank you for your comments.

Roger Breed
Commissioner of Education

 Proposed Requirement in Correlation to Rule 10 Accreditation

If you will notice, the proposed requirement is listed as 3.12. The most recent Rule 10 pdf (of 177 pages in length) has yet to include this rule, as it needs to be signed into law by the Nebraska Attorney General. Requirement 003.12 would be subject to Clause 003:
"Mandatory Requirements for Legal Operation. To be eligible for accreditation or to continue as an accredited school system, the following requirements shall be met when applicable. Failure to comply with Sections 003.01 through 003.11 shall be just cause for the Commissioner to initiate proceedings before the Board to terminate accreditation and end legal operation during the school year.
The clauses 003.01-003.11 seem legitimate to the facilitation of schools, as they regulate subject matter, teacher and administer certification, class credits, length of school year, reports etc.

Why is the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance so Important that it's worth shutting down schools?

That's kind of a rhetorical question. NOT saying the pledge does not mean the students are lacking in a well-rounded education. What does the requirement hope to accomplish? Patriotism? I know that when people tell me I am required to do something, I do it likely out of obligation, not choice. Wouldn't it be more of a learning opportunity if it was built into lesson planning?

I know I have a different outlook at patriotism than many other people and of course I object to the inclusion of 'under God' as part of a Government Pledge. Wiki says: "Congressional sessions open with the recital of the Pledge, as do government meetings at local levels, and meetings held by many private organizations." Maybe 58 years of saying 'Under God' has misled our politicians into believing Religion and State ARE intertwined, which would shed light as to why Republicans are the Religious Party, creating platforms based on a Christian teaching of abortion, instead of seeing reality (see my previous rant).

But the most important thing to this requirement is not about my belief about an added clause, nor the educational inspiration of patriotism among students: I do not believe that the daily recitation of the pledge is of enough importance to education that failure to do so is cause to terminate school accreditation and operation. 

Call to Action

If you take issue with this proposed requirement:
1) fill out this ACLU plea that goes to Commissioner of Education, Dr. Roger Breed, who will send your comments along.
2) Most Importantly: Contact Jon Bruning, the Nebraska Attorney General, since he is the last step in turning down a frivolous requirement for school accreditation.
3) Share this post.



I'm aware that the Attorney General will be asked to approve a proposal that requires public schools to provide daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance or lose accreditation and be forced to end school operation. I implore you to turn down this proposed requirement.

The other requirements in Section 3 of Rule 10 regarding accreditation are things such as the regulation of subject matter, teacher and administer certification, class credits, length of school year, reports etc. Those things are legitimate to proper operation of schools and I can see how failure to meet those requirements could be detrimental to standards of promoting education.

However, I do not believe that the daily recitation of the pledge is of enough importance to education that failure to do so is cause to terminate school accreditation and operation.

I understand there is a desire to promote patriotism and pride in one's country, but I think to install a requirement that endangers school operations is not the proper method to inspire our youth.

As I'm sure you are aware, the ACLU insists that teachers, as well as the students, are allowed the Constitutional right to abstain from participation in the Pledge of Allegiance without punishment. However, because this requirement would only be in effect in public schools, the number of students and teachers that may refrain from recitation due to any number of reasons, be it religion or national heritage, is worth considering.

Is this short recitation of a Pledge worth the daily awareness that some people are refraining from participation? Is not providing this opportunity worth shutting down educational institutions? I think not.

I would very much like to see the requirement turned down mostly because it should not carry enough weight to shut down schools. If the aim of this requirement is more patriotism, I think there are plenty of interactive educational opportunities that can provide more insight for students.

I do hope my comment is well received and that a more appropriate means of inspiring patriotism is developed instead of a requirement that threatens school accreditation.

Thank you.