Monday, January 4, 2021

No More Good Cop Stories Please Until ALL Bad Cops Gone

Saw another white person post "I had a great encounter with a police officer." 

Yo, I don't care. And you don't get it. Because until "bad cops" pay for the murders and crimes they openly commit against predominantly non-white bodies, until qualified immunity is illegal, until police are demilitirized and defunded, until we abolish the current racist, corrupt system, IDGAF that you, a white person can joke about jail when your friendly cop tell you that fireworks are illegal but sure, they'll let you shoot off one more while they watch and then come back with party favors for your grandkids. 

In case you don't know, your interaction with that cop is "white privilege". Knowing cops don't see you as a threat. Not even contemplating ill intent. 

Your cutesy post is meant to spread cheer but you disregard the reality that other people fear death, not jail, when they see the aggressive cops turn off body cams, when trigger-fingered cops see insubordination instead of a human. When cops burst into homes in the middle of the night and murder people. When they literally murder them on camera. And don't suffer consequences. And you explain it away and ignore it instead of feeling outraged because your whiteness protects you from that fear and outrage it could happen to anyone in your white life. 

Your cute story is gaslighting. We don't need to hear about good cops. We need you to be outraged that your blessed "good cops" are working with "bad cops" and change this system. HOW MANY PEOPLE NEED TO BE MURDERED FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS SYSTEM IS NOT OKAY? 

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